Anna Bialous-Griffiths profile shoot

Anna has been a friend for a while now and it’s always great to catch up with her again, enjoy similar observations on current status quo and create new content. Anna is polish, like me, but runs bi-lingual coaching courses where needed. Her approach, I’ve found, is always fresh, inviting, energetic yet filled with actual useful stuff many of us miss whilst rushing through our every day lives. I must admit I have been somewhat curious and become insightful into one’s Mind and it let me discover new horizons. Those very important ones, about why I do what I do and where I’m going. And although the latter is work in progress, as it is for all of us, I try to be the best version of myself every day. And this is where Anna’s book comes in. Packed with actual hands on exercises and activities, backed by knowledge and expertise, that thing is a God send! Written in polish and available, for now at least, to those who speak the language, the guidebook is a gate to a better You on so many different levels. 

For the shoot itself, we set up the studio this time round with the idea in mind (, Mind again! 😀) that the images will be edited and used for social media banners. Some of the edits can be viewed below.

If you’d like to find out more about Anna and her work or get in touch to start your personal development path, click on one of the links below:

MIND - Psychology of Success here

Anna’s website here

Anna’s Instagram here

Anna’s Facebook here

Anna’s YouTube here

Leanne&John at the Chequers Inn, Woolsthorpe

It’s always great to come back to a familiar venue and document people’s love and dedication they commit to each other. This time it was no different. The Chequers Inn in Wolsthorpe, overlooking Belvoir Castle, is easily one of my favourites as it shouts: ‘I’m small but mighty!’. 

The setting provides it all for a truly magical wedding. You’ll find tucked away, romantic spots, where the couple can be pictured intimately without anyone distracting them, discover little touches to the art décor, rustic elements of the interior and, of course, an amazing management team who always make sure your wedding day is a memorable and amazing experience. And it has been the case indeed for Leanne and John who tied the know intimately with just a few of their closest family and friends cheering them up along the way.

Leanne and John, it’s been a true joy to meet you and document your love! You belong together and radiate that special vibe some can only dream of. Thank you for letting me experience that :)

Yuliya Photoshoot in the fields

Yuliya is a creative writer and her ability to connect the reader with how she presents the world in her pieces has been a refreshing and somewhat enchanting experience. Whilst I read her narratives on nature and the supernatural, I immediately felt I could relate what I’m reading to whatever I wanted. I felt light because her form of writing is so easily interpretable. I haven’t read many narratives like hers and I hope I’ll be receiving more in the future. Just a hint here Yuliya ;) 

I met Yuliya during one of the hot and beautiful evenings and we decided we’d choose the local fields and paths for the photoshoot. Strangely, although very close to where I live, I hadn’t been to this part of our estate… There was an idea in mind and we both knew what we wanted to achieve from the images: that warm yet atmospheric look that captures the golden hour light, and of course the expressions to go with Yuliya’s creative writing. 

Looking at the pictures we both feel we managed to capture exactly what we were after: a free spirit enwrapped in natural light. Exactly the way Yuliya’s creative writing is.

New Wedding Rules

June 2021 Update

And we’re back to a looong-awaited (kinda) normal! As the vaccination programme extends now to cover the younger demographic, the wedding rules become more and more clear these days, something we’ve been so keen to see happen this summer. And what a come back it has been! With some engagement shoots as well as weddings already in the oven - that’s my way of saying “editing” btw - I’m very keenly awaiting to shoot more this summer.  Keep an eye out on those stories on the blog. And, as always, if you’re here and looking for documentary wedding photography, let’s chat! Click here to ask your question.

For official rules and government updates, click here.

2020 Blog entry

It’s fair to say that COVID-19 and the lockdown measures have initiated a new norm that we try our best to apply in our day to day lives. As of the 4th of July, the wedding industry has been restarted with the new rules issued by the government. I’m listing these below and also describe how venues will be taking them on board to provide their service. 

 From the 4 July, marriage and civil partnership ceremonies in England and Wales are allowed to go ahead. 

Only venues which are able to support social distancing are encouraged to host ceremonies and no more than 30 people may attend (including officiants, photographers and the couple) and everyone must observe social distancing, standing one or two metres apart. 

If either of the couple getting married have symptoms of Covid-19 the ceremony should not go ahead. 

If anyone who was planning to go to the ceremony feels unwell they should not go. 

Weddings are encouraged to be as short as possible which means that only the legally binding parts of ceremony and celebration are encouraged to go ahead. 

It falls on the venue to decide whether the ceremony can happen safely, but the officiant must also agree that it is safe to proceed. 

You won’t be able to eat or drink while getting married unless required for the purposes of solemnisation. 

If you’re exchanging rings all those involved should wash their hands before and after, and the rings should be handled by as few people as possible.
Post-ceremony receptions are not allowed, and only small celebrations of up to two households indoors, or up to 6 people from different households outdoors, are permitted. 

If you’re planning on involving any children in your ceremony, someone should be holding them at all times. 

As water droplets in our breath can spread the virus, there should be no singing, shouting or raising of voices at the ceremony. This also means there should be no loud music which would encourage people to shout over it and any crowd participation during the ceremony should not be done in a raised voice. 

There should be no live instruments that are blown into, or singing to accompany them. 

Seating plans which involve guests sitting opposite each other should be re-worked and measures should be put in place to stop guests from different households touching the same items (such as books or orders of service) or each other’s property. 

If a wedding ceremony is expected to involve washing or submersion in water, this should be done before and not at the venue. 

The government is working on a way in which receptions could go ahead in the future but in a safe way. 

 For full disclosure, the above have been sourced from the Stylist magazine and further read can be accessed via the link here.

Power wheelchair fundraiser - YOUR PHOTOS FOR FREE!

I reflect on myself when I look into my 11-year-old son’s eyes. I see him thrive, make friends, challenge his condition and it gives me strength and energy to soldier on. Like he does. Like I never thought I would be able to…

We recently received news that the organisation which was to provide a power wheelchair for Milosz won’t be able to due to inevitable shortages after the COVID-19 pandemic. The wheelchair, as Milosz moves onto secondary school in September is to provide him with independence and let him move by himself. Plus, his old manual wheelchair isn’t suitable for him any more and Milosz is too weak to self-propel himself. 

So then, and as we often do, we decided not to give up and fight for one with the help of family and friends and received an amazing response for which we remain forever grateful! I want to thank everyone and each who donated individually for your amazing generosity and help! Where would we be without you? 

I am so happy we have you and want to give a special mention to Stanley, Milosz’s friend who decided to run his own “gofundme” page in order to raise funds by running a mile per day for the next 26 days. Stanley, you’re our hero! We are so grateful Milosz has a friend in You! Thank You and Your family so very much! 

The power wheelchair Milosz requires costs over £11000 and we’re amazed to see we’ve received over £1000 already. But we must keep going in order to reach our goal. 

If you’d like to help and contribute please note:


Whether family, friends or documenting something, I’ll be there to deliver your memories in return for your contributions, which you decide how much they will be.
If you’d like to take up on this offer please get in touch with me by clicking here. And to learn more about Milosz’s condition, his bravery and our fundraiser please click here

Thank you all in advance for doing your bit! We send our love and eternal appreciation! 


Michael, Monika, Lena and Milosz. Oh, and Sherman, the dog:) 

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