Abi & Scott at Foxton Locks

There’s something imminently wonderful when Abi and Scott join you. Their energy is contagious and you can’t help but feel energised, ready to be entertained and charged with the feel-good vibes. It’s rare to click right away sometimes with people you just met or met for the second time though with these two, no problem! 

As we strolled around what seemed to be almost like private-hire grounds as it was so desolated, we all loved the location. So if you’ve never been, head over to the Foxton Locks for some seriously chilled out time and immense yourself in its fantastic atmosphere. 

Thank you once again Abi and Scott for a truly wonderful afternoon! I’m looking forward to your wedding day this July. I’m sure it will be as extraordinary as the aura you carry!

Taking time out (and keeping saw sharp)!

Mother’s Day weekend and we’ve taken proper time off the rollercoaster of life. Good weather, check! Fun day planned, check! Camera ready, check! 

If you haven’t yet visited the Twycross Zoo yet, I highly recommend it. With the newly opened facilities and activities for the young (and the old alike:) you’d be in for a day of re-discovering the world of the wild beasts and what it was like to be a kid yet again!

Photo shoot with Anna Bialous-Griffiths

Crispy and fresh yet warm morning at Sywell Country park and Anna arrived with the usual positive vibe and openness to ideas amid suggesting a number of her own. Her charm and wit was perfect accompaniment to a walk around the park whilst taking pictures.

Anna is a life couch, psychologist, a social media activist and I am extremely pleased our paths crossed. Her recent idea of offering families photo shoots as part of personal development and bonding filled me with great pleasure. Even more so that we’ve decided to collaborate on future projects! Best things come from collaborations. I certainly do look forward to what’s next and if you are too please check Anna’s profile here to learn about her sessions, work and ideas. 

The autumn chill…

It’s official, the days deprived of light by 7pm and eyes ready to rest shortly after 8. Nevertheless the build up to the festive season is by far my favourite. With its recollective thoughts, a look back at the summer months, appreciation of what’s around here and now and the thoughts of the future. I look at kids and can’t help but to think the world is a good place. So much love. So much warmth. So much passion. And everything is suddenly better. 

Next stop, Halloween! And we can’t wait already to dig into those pumpkins!


How to edit Fuji X files - FujiLove featurette article.

Shooting with Fuji X camera system has been a joy ever since I tried the x100, a camera flawed by its slow autofocus, true, yet rewarding in every other way. Sharp, clean and extremely pleasing tonality of the files have been a joy to look at and use. Then came the firmware updates. And more updates, and even more and by the time we knew it the system has been reliable, speedy, consistent yet not sacrificing its best areas. 

Things get better though. The files being so versatile and packing in great dynamic range, one can easily push them to the new limits. And then comes the printing! The photographs produced by the system have been one of my favourites ever taken and, although shooting alongside Canon flagships, my heart is with the Fuji. Currently using the X Pro 2 conveniently during assignments as well as travel and street I cannot recommend it more. And that’s before you start using the fantastic glass from Fujinon.

I am extremely honoured and thankful to FujiLove who published my second feature on how to edit files from the x cameras. You can read the article here.

Happy shooting! And happy editing!

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