The devil’s in the detail

This varies between couples some for whom it is important to cover  the elements of the day normally missed yet inevitably parts of it. And there are some who specifically ask for a larger coverage of those as they want to remember that handmade wicker heart-shaped box the bride’s mum helped to prepare. There’s something special about photographing still objects, the details, the elements of the big picture which form it naturally and beautifully like pieces of a puzzle. And I for one love it! 

Event Photography - Myotubular Trust Fund Raiser

I’ve recently had the pleasure and honour to be included yet again in documenting Myotubular Trust’s event. This time held in the Houses of Parliament the event has brought the one and only Justin Webb who was compering the speakers of whom one was Jane Ellison, the MP who sponsors and supports the Trust in the cure-research projects.

It makes it especially personal to come to an event like that due to my son who is affected with MTM (Myotubular Myopathy). You can find out more about the trust and the condition itself here, on the Trust’s website. There is hope though and it wouldn’t be without the Trust, people who raise awareness, the politicians, celebrities but also everyday heroes who fight their battles with the condition on every day basis, that make it all different. There is a cure and projects to support running the trials in the near future. You can imagine how that makes us, parents, friends, family, etc. feel… We are all in this together and we’re all finding strength. The organisation that takes the lead in finding the cure is Audentes who have recently started a portal/website where you can read about my son, Milosz but also other extremely brave children in the UK affected by the condition. There aren’t many as it is a very rare one however this makes it even more special to be looking into the future. And not to feel abandoned and alone in the struggle.Special thanks to Melanie Spring and Anne Lennox who invited me to join them yet again. You are the best!

Sentimental epiphany - Athens Olympic complex 10 years on in pictures.

2004 was great! An end to my first serious relationship, graduation from college, a move to England and (amongst other events), in the world, the Olympics in Athens. Man, and what an opening ceremony it was. You can relive its highlights here if you like or watch it in full, if you’re not a parent that is and you have over 3 hours to enjoy of YOUR own time here:)
I remember watching the ceremony of the opening with an open jaw; the lights, the dancers and the singers, Bjork amongst others, the whole show - I had never seen a concert of pieces coming so wonderfully and triumphantly together in a masterful and complete composition of art wonders and installations. Although not entirely impossible on other occasions, we sat together absolutely speechless, exchanging only looks of admiration of what we’d been seeing on the screen. It was clear, we had one of the best Olympics to follow and watch from the comforts of our home ever!

I re-live that moment and the summer of numerous events watching the competitions with sentiment and, inevitably, a pinch of sadness, a heavy heart even for it had been the Olympics in Athens, amongst other things, that contributed to the state Greece is in now… I also come back to that moment thanks to an entry in the Guardian photography section where I saw today the photos of the Olympic stadiums abandoned, forgotten and forlorn 10 years on. I really feel for the Greeks but also the photos make me feel part guilty in a way as I enjoyed immensely a show which left one country in debts. The question then is - do we need opening ceremonies for THAT sort of money?

Credits for photography: Yannis Kolesidis/EPA, Orestis Panagiotou/EPA, Thanassis Stavrakis/AP, Yorgos Karahalis/Reuters, Milos Bicanski/Getty Images, Petros Giannakouris/AP

Original post - Guardian

Frosty mornings

In the morning ‘cool’ it’s sometimes worth waking up before everyone else and watch the world wake up at the golden hour, take that drive and indulge oneself in walking around God’s gallery of the world he’s created. And take some photos of course too unless your batteries go completely because of the cold that is… Canon 5D mk3 or Nikon D800

A little while ago I’ve come across this and would like to share this for 2 reasons: 1 whilst sharing one increases chances of winning one of those amazing cameras, and 2, I think those guys deserve a bit of a shout. Although it might seem kind of “marketing strategy” at first I don’t mind it here. So get yourself involved as well and have a go! And if you win you’ll have one heck of a camera and a very jealous group of people out there. Good luck to all of us!

<a href=”“>” title=”Local wedding photographers” alt=”Local wedding photographers” border=”0” />Image courtesy of: SnapKnot - <a href=”“>Local Wedding Photographers

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