Fuji X Passion Magazine Feature

It’s happened again and I’m extremely honoured to be published again in what has come as an iconic moment for the newly created Fuji X Passion magazine - its very 1st issue! 

Beware, technical spill of words ahead:

Shooting with flagship Fuji X alongside Canon has been extremely rewarding over the last year though getting it right is not always an easy cookie to crumble. Different cameras produce different files hence challenge the photographer to approach them with different techniques in order to achieve product consistency. Technical, I know but it is this aspect of photography that matters most to the clients, consistency and quality.  So if you happen to be a new member of the Fuji X family, whichever the model, read the article, enjoy and give it a go. Most of all, print print print! Your best memories should not only be cherished on screen. 

And back to normal:

After reading other entries in the magazine I’m delighted to be included what is one of the most talented and creative Fuji X passionate photographers. A real privilege and my huge thanks go to Mauricio and Hugo for starting the magazine, a new and growing family as well as the opportunity itself. One happy chap here! Till next time I hope;)

Jade and Ben at the Newton Blossomville Park barn

From the early hours of the morning the air and gentle sunny spells were promising for the day to be a special one. The anticipation of what was to come rose with excitement amongst those prepping the venue who seemed to have been not “running around in haste” but simply “dancing” whilst the place was transforming gradually and taking shape. And the smiles, the jokes, Newton Blossomville Park barn itself and, of course, the greeting image of Jade’s dad dragster car along a kayak filled with chilled drinks provided for a truly magical setting for Jade and Ben’s wedding. 

The slow yet filled with joy preps were followed by a beautiful ceremony in Olney, Ben’s home town which I am still trying to learn the proper pronunciation of:) And although a bit of rain paused the colourful spells briefly after the “I dos”, this was quickly forgotten by the fantastic speeches, and a party that followed and captivated everyone with excellent music and atmosphere!

So once more here’s congratulations to both of you Jade and Ben! May your love transcend, grow and expand onto others! It’s truly been a magical experience to be your wedding photographer!

For an example of a full story from this recent wedding click here

FujiLove Magazine Feature

I’m so delighted that FujiLove magazine so kindly included my photos from the trip to Italy whilst taking a short break from purely wedding photography. You may read my article with example photography here

Partly connected with photographing using the Fuji professional X-cameras system, partly cultural and “approach” related, I’m sure both photographers as well as keen travellers and photo enthusiasts will find something for themselves. 

Have a lovely read everyone!

Professional Wedding Colour Photography

Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with MastinLabs and receive no profit from mentioning and reviewing briefly its colour emulsions.

In reaching and fulfilling the highest expectations of nowadays wedding photography demands there’s no shortage of products available for photographers. Whether colour or black and white, paid or not, there are hundreds of film emulsions, presets, techniques and settings one could experiment with. And I have tried many. I mean, a lot of them. Too many in fact as I always knew what “look” I am after and what my clients are after. If you’re one of those who happen to just jump into wedding photography or have photographed for a while you’ll know what I’m talking about when I say/quote ” … that dreamy, toned colour yet rustic look one can see in magazines, you know the fashion yet reportage style…” - as quoted by one of the brides I spoke to. Yup, we’ve all been there and I feel my search is over. It has in fact been over for quite some time though I write this entry only now… The film emulsions offered by Mastin Labs are simply no match to whatever wedding scenario. The set below is for colour only as for black and white I am sticking to files produced by my much beloved Fuji X-Pro2 system though those are also on offer. Speaking of an offer, there’s a 40% discount at the moment which is highly recommended to try if you have been thinking for a while. They’re worth every penny and I know I’m done when it comes to that restless times of “finding” that “look”. Thank you Kirk Mastin for the excellent work you’ve provided, the time saved has been devoted to writing and putting together this entry:) 

The shots below have been edited with a selection of colour presets in Lightroom including Fuji Pro and Kodak Portra packs.

And if you’re struggling with the choice look here for additional guidance put together by the lab. 


Update: The whole article including technical and cultural aspects of the trip have been very gratefully featured on FujiLove here - please head there for more examples and to read the full story.

During my recent trip to Italy I had a chance to re-charge a bit and revisit places both well known and new. Italy feels like a second home. For many reasons. I have had a chance to take a different look at it this time though, not focusing on soaking up the sun, rather on quite opposite. Because it wasn’t sunny I saw a different country and towns this time. And I liked it. The colours felt different and opportunities for black and white photography were many. Following inspiration from FujiLove and taking it back to one of my favourite movies ”Palermo Shooting” for the colour photography I was decided on the “look” of the photos. It was such a great escape from a busy life and a great pause just before and oncoming busy wedding photography season. Hope the photos are enjoyed. The battery certainly has been recharged and good memories created stay.

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