Family above all! Photo shoot at the Sywell Country Park.

When a family of ten, plus a dog, feels more like four, you know you’re in for something good! 

Kirsty decided to get everyone together for her dad’s birthday and present him a gift of a family shoot. We chose Sywell Country Park, where we popped into one another once when out and about with kids. Spoiled by a gorgeous morning light, positive vibes and quite a few laughs we strolled around exploring, laughing, enjoying life, the family enjoying themselves and oh, yes, right, we did take a few pictures too! :)

Albums coming soon!

How to be happy in a relationship?

Anna started the session so lightly that you instantly felt welcome, understood and appreciated. Each and everyone in the group opened naturally and unfolded whilst she provided gentle prompts and explanations to relationships-related issues. She listened. Like there was only two of them in the world and always related her response in ways that made them feel happier. 

I had the pleasure of documenting Anna Bialous-Griffith’s “Developing Happiness in Relationships” sessions recently and could not have felt more fulfilled when done. I highly recommend you check her profile here should you require advice in psychology, relationships, counselling and more.

My best new source - Photographers SHOTKIT VOL2 book

It’s needless to say that in today’s world of both professional and amateur/enthusiast photography one can find a plethora of sources for new project ideas, gear reviews, example of work, interviews, even “meet ups” for photo walks and courses. 

A professional photographer, regardless of field or interest and thus whether wedding, portrait, family, sports, fashion or commercial who doesn’t constantly look, investigate and explore would quite simply set oneself on a quick path to “creatively fading away”. I’m one of those guilty ones who sometimes think whether time perhaps could be spent differently rather than “exploring” however when on task afterwards I cannot deny it is those times of exploration for new inspiration that push me more and let me get out of my comfort zones. 

It is then true fireworks when I see and experience something truly mind blowing in terms of techniques, examples of work and sheer quality and openness of other professional photographers who share their trade techniques. And this is where the new book I’ve come across recently comes in. It’s called Photographers SHOTKIT VOL2 and I cannot praise it enough! 

Packed with the work of some of the most professional and renowned photographers, gear reviews and down-to-the-last-detail descriptions of cameras and lenses from a wide array of fields, thoughts and method, videos as well as project ideas, this is THE BEST source I have come across in years. 

The wait is over then. Do check it out here and score yourself a copy. Guaranteed it will be money well spent and you’ll quickly see how clients respond to your new creative approaches! Enough said. At least until volume III that is:)

Inspiration is for amateurs

This is by no means an attempt at re-blogging. But I did read this blog stating that “inspiration is for amateurs” and had a bit of a hard time agreeing with the statement. Sure, we do chores and it is the “crisp” of our profession and we don’t wait for the proverbial lightning to strike though I can’t help thinking I am hungry for inspiration everywhere anytime! Does it make me an amateur? OMG I think I need therapy if it really does and I don’t realise it but here I am sending a different message: GET INSPIRED! LOOK FOR THE NEXTNEW”, DON’T RELY ON THE NORMS and ALWAYS CREATE

Holly and Kevin pre-wedding shoot in Medbourne

The morning was really hazy and cool and I knew I’m in for a treat with Holly and Kevin! Easy and coffee infused walk around Medbourne near Market Harborough at early hours in the morning (, no I wasn’t playing Pokémon Go:) couldn’t prepare me for the lovely moments I was bound to experience. 

I love it when the shoot evolves naturally around the location, Medbourne being one of my favourites. And if you’re ever around make sure you pop in to Cafe Nevill and try any of the treats from their menu, you will not walk away disappointed!

And so Holly and Kev, one more time, thank you so much for being yourselves and enjoying the time spent in front of my camera. Roll on 2017! Can’t wait till your wedding day!

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