Fuji X Masters Special Edition Magazine Feature

Following my recent trip to Barcelona, among other projects which I’m trying to work on these days, I was contacted by one of my favourite Photography magazines, Fuji X Passion. Mauricio and Hugo, based in Portugal and both of whom have been running the online space as well as the magazine for a fantastic source of inspiration, reviews and work asked me whether I’d like to be featured in this special edition of the Fuji X Masters Travel just released online (, link here). Well, duh and Hell Yeah! I am so happy to see that the photos I had the pleasure of taking not only have been appreciated but to be set against others who have truly kicked the ball out of the park with their quality and passion! 

I am speechless and enjoyed both viewing and reading the articles composed of thoughts of like-minded fellow travellers who are dedicated to telling visual stories in a way I haven’t seen before. 

Thank you so much, Hugo and Mauricio and I’m looking forward to our future collaboration! 

To download the special travel edition of the Fuji X Masters magazine click here

For Fuji X Passion online magazine are click here

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